commercial determinants of health (2). The influence of the neoliberal framework

the neoliberal framework in which the thinking around Commercial Determinants of Health sits this is the second blog in a series on CDOH. There are important limitations of the socio / ecological model (it hopefully goes without saying there are mission critical limitations of orientating public health around individualistic thinking). Taking a line from Rose , the socio-ecological model tends to obscure the locus of power and influence under the general rubric of ‘policy’, and suggests that the actual core of good public health is the intra- and interpersonal factors. The commercial determinants of health model has the virtue of focusing attention on the most critical structural impediments to optimal public health in a very immediate way. This isnt to demean or cheapen the impact of social and deeper environmental or economic factors. Lenchucha sets out the ‘core tenets’ of the neoliberal paradigm as constituted by a policy agenda of trade libera...